
Galaval is a natural, stable mutant of Galaxy. The cultivar was found in New Zealand.


Depending on the rootstock, the tree has a medium growth. It usually forms flower buds on one-, two- and three-year-old shoots. Growth typical of Gala.

Flowering and pollination

A month before Golden Delicious. Good pollinators are Fuji, Golden Delicious, Idared and other cultivars with the same flowering period.


It is not susceptible to alternate bearing. It bears fruit annually and starts the fruit-bearing period early.


The fruit is large and medium, from 65 to 80 mm, with a spherical and flattened shape. The fruit, due to an intense dark-purple colour that covers the blush in almost 100%, has less visible stripes. The fruit is firm and aromatic and the flesh is sweet and juicy.

Harvesting time

The Galaval fruit becomes ripe for harvesting a month before Golden Delicious. In a similar period to other Gala sports.


Prone to scab and bacterial canker. No more than other sports.


Very good storage properties. High firmness after removal from a cold store, in an atmosphere-controlled cold store even until the end of April.


One of the best-colouring Gala sports. This cultivar is especially recommended for areas with difficult conditions for fruit. Intense red and burgundy blush covers the fruit even under hail nets. Highly stable cultivar.